04 August 2009

In which our heroine discovers
that life often imitates urban myth

When I was an undergraduate (early 1980s) there was a rumor* going around about some guy whose wife or girlfriend had superglued his penis to his thigh because he had been cheating on her. One of my roommates even swore that she knew somebody who knew the couple. When I challenged her on the story, she became quite angry, as folks do when you call them on being witnesses to bullshit stories.

In any case, there seemed to be an epidemic of penis gluing back then, but none of these stories was ever confirmed to my satisfaction. See, this is what we did before the internet. We just screamed back and forth at each other:

No it's not, I know them personally!!
Liar! You are so full of shit!!

Alas, now friends of Therese Ziemann, Michelle Belliveau, Wendy Sewell, Tracy Hood-Davis, and Donessa Davis will be able to scream, "I know some women who glued this guy's penis!!" or "I know a guy who got his penis glued!" and their silly stories will be instantly verifiable. I'll save you the trouble of the Google search, though. You can find the story and pics of the women in the Independent.

And now I'm left wondering if people just go to the Snopes.com in search of myths they can turn into fact. At this point, I'm willing to believe anything.


*The term urban myth had not yet been coined.


  1. Ugh! Look at her. She's almost a man. If the choice was poking her or having my dick glued up; I'd take the glue. Besides there are two things you must remember here.

    1. If a guy does his job right, there ain't no way she'll cut or glue your dick. No way! She might cut or glue something else but not the almighty penis if you doing it right.

    2. Super glue is removed with fingernail polish!

  2. hahahaha!

    Korey you still have a lot to learn about women. It happens all the time that people (and not just women) destroy the sources of their happiness . . . that said, I take your point ;-)

    Just remember: it's a thin line between love and hate.

  3. Ok now there in court...
    Madam prosecutor what more evidence do you need to convict?


  4. Oh thanks Marty! The penalty should be that they all have to live together for the rest of their lives ;-)
